Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 73,974    [ Give / Take ]


22 entries this month

16:22 May 29 2013
Times Read: 815

Ok Ok Ok.... I will give you one, just ONE good thing about summer.

The pool is filling up as I type this. :D

But that is it! The only good thing about summer and the heat... well, flowers too.

But that is all!

Enjoy it, I will, as for snow I will ask for in a few months. :)



16:54 May 29 2013

what about a cocktail by the pool? Is that good too?

17:06 May 29 2013

Wine coolers, watermellon slushie from Sonic with a little rum in it... always pool side. They are more important then the towels, dang it. ;)

19:12 May 29 2013

At least up here summer only lasts a few weeks, instead of 6 -8 months like it did in Florida- But I don't envy you the heat, that is for sure.


01:29 May 28 2013
Times Read: 839

So I get out the light blue *more a slat blue really* valances I got to update my bedroom. While I didn't get the room or bath painted, I still wanted to see the blue against the brown curtains to see if I liked the color.

Standing there, I knew something was off. It took me just a few to notice that one valance wasn't going to look right, not long enough to cover the rod. So I tore into the other one, thinking there went another $35.00 to buy two more, and hung both up.

Stood back, liking the full look when I notice the shade was wrong on one of them- just a shade or two lighter, and it was shorter.


So I called and they are sending me 4 more, free shipping, and sending me a prepaid label to send the other two back. I just hope the four match. They could not understand how quality control could of mess it, was sorry for the mess up.

See? Time Warner still has my TV screwed up as I tried to watch the two DVD sitting here waiting for me to watch and mail back, as the 'repair' they did to the remote will not let me control the DVR. And god knows cable is not cheap.

But Bryant Home - which is a very resonable priced shop *getting a full bedspread, 4 valances for less then $175.00* and when I find a flaw they go out of their way to fix it.

Anyway- time for a wine cooler, being lazy for the rest of the night. :D

My 'to do list' got a lot of marks off it this weekend, had some fun, good company, movies, good food, and slept really well last night.

Life is blessed.



03:59 May 28 2013

There always seems to be 'dings' during home decorating. But you get such a great feeling when everything is done, and put together really well!

Have a wine cooler for me too!

14:09 May 28 2013

Like you, I would have to have the shade of colour just right. After all it's why you ordered them in the first place. So glad they didn't give you a hard time on sending them back as I certainly wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that one ;-)

Hope the new ones are perfect :-)

20:16 May 28 2013

Sorry the didn't match but I'm glad they're doing you right in fixing it.


16:16 May 27 2013
Times Read: 849

Had a great Sunday. Gals and I went to see Star Trek and Iron Man 3. Great movies, both of them. :) Then it was a nice dinner out to ice cream later and a great night sleep. :D

And my list of "Things to get done" got shorten a bit with painting. I also got the bathroom painting picked out. And I also started my fairy garden with three herb plants. Still got to work on it's path, etc.

So today it is finish up the kitchen painting, laundry, and mopping the floor before I move the kitchen table back in place. The most unused piece of furniture in my home- the kitchen table. But the paint is about half way done, the one big wall more then half done. Now it is the space between the bottom and top kitchen cabinets.

Also got a nice pork roast I want to put in the cast iron dutch oven outside on the grill. :)



19:31 May 27 2013

YAY! I saw Fast 6 yesterday.... hmmmm manflesh Vin style...


21:27 May 24 2013
Times Read: 869

And of course... since the living room has never been painted in 30 years... it is taking 3 coats.


So maybe the living room will get done today, kitchen Saturday.

Oh and plan more money for more paint too.


But I have to say the one wall, even with the ceiling still not done, lighten up the living room a whole lot. :D




13:14 May 24 2013
Times Read: 886

And the pain in my shoulders has made the call about painting the living room/ kitchen ceiling. As in I am not able to. They have a pitched roof, about 12 up, and I don't think my shoulder can handle that pain.

I am going to do all the walls, the ceilings in my bathroom, bedroom. Then call in a painter for that part. But that is cool as, while it will cost me some money, he can also touch up any mistakes I have made. And I need some trim work replaced so it will work out for the best. He and I had talked about this before, him helping me paint, and we sort of plan it a few weekends from now. I was just trying to do what I could to save me the cash.

But my shoulders just ain't going to handle that tall of a ceiling, that big of an area. That and one side of the walls is not going to be painted and I suck at keeping paint off trim. And the kitchen cabinets would look better without my poor attempt at taping, trying to cut in with a brush. :)

Strange thing happen to me this morning. Woke up couching up, thinking it was just the normal allergy crap. But I would not stop. Sat up in bed to go to the bathroom to spit it out when I notice I had a bleeding nose. I haven't had a nose bleed in a dozen or so years.


Safe to say I had a bugger of a time to get it to stop, with the blood thinners I am on.

And that I never went back to sleep since 5 something this morning. :(



14:13 May 24 2013

I really do wish you all the best, being on meds is no fun and yet you excel and strive to do what you can. Admirable.

15:11 May 24 2013

Try Tiger's Balm for the shoulder pain. It feels good.... :)


00:59 May 24 2013
Times Read: 896

The front/ guest bathroom is done! :D Ceiling and walls painted. Note to self- really need to spend a few hours cleaning the shower, toilet, and floor before I put the shower curtain and towels back up.

But it looks good.

And I did the ceiling at the front door.

And all that only took 4 hours, with about 30 mins of break time. Yeap, I made myself keep to my promise of stopping after a few hours. This is just going to take time, the home will be a mess for a few months as I work weekends on the painting, and any days I get off work early like today.

I just hate having a house out of order, yes... OCD alot. lol :)

So... with that work, as long as my back will do it at a stretch.... means the game plan for the living room will be Friday/ Sat/ and some of Monday. Should take me about 6 hours, and moving lots of furniture.

At least the kitchen will only be the table, chairs.

My bedroom is another room with lots of furniture to move, and my bathroom is only a cabinet, one built in shelf to empty.

But the guest room is the last as I still want to clean out my closet, get rid of most of the dress hats out of there so I can put my photo equipment in there, out of view.

So... I should have all the painting done by Winter ;)



03:46 May 24 2013

Should have hollered I was free today.

06:09 May 24 2013

Does this mean I can have my room back?


12:49 May 22 2013
Times Read: 915

The storms last night messed up the last few minutes of Grimm for me. Just watched how it ended online.

Yes- knew it was coming but still I had to do the ...

"Oh COME ON! Don't leave it like that!"


One of the best shows on TV, family show that is. In fact about the only family show I do watch.



17:25 May 22 2013

I was super disappointed in the ending. I mean really? You would figure a normal person let alone a Grimm could figure out something was up when the dude made it obvious where he was at and just waited for the Grimm to get close, uggh. Ya can't beat up green vomit. I did like the twist with the Hexenbeasts though :)

17:56 May 22 2013

I adore that show- and I especially like at the end with the "to be continued" smartass remarks...lol

20:58 May 22 2013

Yes, you would think he would of seen the trap. At least he should of worn glasses or a face shield. I did like how his girlfriend was willing to stand with him. And yes, I can't wait till the witch gets her powers back. Hell will break loose then. :)

22:21 May 22 2013

I am a little disappointed he didn't have his normal Grimm like reflexes, especially with the whole "hearing boost" he's got. But Now we shall see what the Captain will do :D


02:29 May 22 2013
Times Read: 950

My favorite vampire movie, you ask?

See- this is where you have to watch what you do as far as interaction with members.

While I wanted to send back--

"The one where the kid grows up and kills the man that raped her, as he sits in his mother's basement all day wacking off to tit shots he gets from online sluts. Have you seen it yet?"

Instead of giving you that answer, showing you what I think of you....

I hit delete. As I do to all your messages.



02:33 May 22 2013

I just laughed out loud for real.

That was fucking amazing.

02:39 May 22 2013

That was great!

Can I use that?

02:47 May 22 2013

Nah- it only works for one person here. ;)

03:32 May 22 2013

Bullshit- it'll work for at least a dozen on here, I shit you not. And you know it.


16:40 May 20 2013
Times Read: 962

3 day weekend coming up and sounds like a good time to paint. As in bathrooms, liv, kit, bedrooms. :)




17:51 May 15 2013
Times Read: 1,003

Got to love it when you have those VR moments of...


"Good lord..."

*Raise eyebrow*

*rolled eyes with a sigh*

"You are kidding me, right?"

"Pleeease... really?"




18:08 May 15 2013

I hear that!

18:54 May 15 2013

Lol, I get at least one of each Vladvampirelord puts up a kismet or does a journal entry. That guy really IS delusional if he thinks we're doing anything but laughing at him.


17:51 May 15 2013
Times Read: 1,004

Got to love it when you have those VR moments of...


"Good lord..."

*Raise eyebrow*

*rolled eyes with a sigh*

"You are kidding me, right?"

"Pleeease... really?"





18:55 May 14 2013
Times Read: 1,021

Sis sent me a treat- cake. :) With the new cool whip frosting.

That shit is the bomb!




22:27 May 14 2013

I picked up the vanilla cool whip icing. I haven't tried it yet. Which flavor did you get?

00:12 May 15 2013

Frosting is evil. Too much sugar.

03:03 May 15 2013

Chocolate. :)


16:10 May 14 2013
Times Read: 1,028

Cat and her whole family went with me to the library for the photo show. :)

I won first place with one photo- in port, the yellow sunlight old bathroom shot.

And the goose in flight didn't place at all. :/

But still- I got a ribbon, 10.00 bucks, and got my work out there. The lady who gave me the money asked me if the photo was from the same location as last year and I said yes, but I went in Sept of 2012 so it was newer.

Cool that she remembers where and what type of photo I took last year. :D

I already have my shots picked out for next year but maybe not. I want to try different things, categories. (Thus- the goose for animal one) Might try landscape, and people next year.

I don't want to be a one trick pony, in other words. And the architecture is the one class I have won two years in a roll, first place.

Just want to put some more effort into it next year, get some mats in, heck... might even hang a few of my photos at my own home/ office.




23:37 May 12 2013
Times Read: 1,055

Don't ask me what I think of this apology because I don't. Simple- I don't think anything about it or the person/ persons it effects. Life is too short to deal with online drama or to feed into it.

Now- having a late lunch with your sisters, brother and 84 year old mother is what I like talking about. :D We had such a good visit.

Then she *mom* got a long hot shower, lotion up, nails trim, hair washed and style, and pampered into bed for a nap.

I cleaned the kitchen, living room while they did all the "Mommy" work. :)

All in all a great day with family, and aother Mother's Day I will hold dear. I got her three nail polishes, and a blue mason jar of iris in bloom in the yard. Purple ones. She loved them. Something I got from Mom- the love of flowers.

Yesterday I worked out of town on a survey and went to a old Walmart to find a public bathroom. I had my '3 things at Walmart' moment. Pair of stretch pants *like yoga pants* that was on sale for $5.00. Box of donuts, and a diet pespi.


Looked about for places to take photos but I be dang if all the rain, and the green grown up weeds kept me out of most. I did find one little old warehouse style building that I took a few good shots in. Will upload soon. Still got the fire shots to edit too.

Speaking of photos- I enter into the local photo show. I had the two shots picked out but at the last second had to switch one out as the one I was going to use was too large, didn't fit the size limit.

I don't think I will place on either one but it was fun getting my work out there. Wish I had put the bath tub from the old hospital in, insted of the bathroom shot. But the lighting on it was so cool. I also changed it up a little and put a animal shot in- goose in flight.

Either way it was fun and I am going Monday night to see the rest of the show, some great photos taken by folks in out town. :)



00:12 May 13 2013

♥ love when your entries show happiness and great things :)

00:25 May 13 2013

Box of donuts and a diet pepsi? Were you doing a pre-workout loading? :)


23:41 May 11 2013
Times Read: 1,076

Just watched the movie That is 40.

Swear I aged 40 more years just watching the stupid thing.




01:22 May 12 2013

Ha ha!

I don't even remember when I was 40...I just know that I was still with an asshole. lol...


Family- the meaning of life most days.

00:11 May 11 2013
Times Read: 1,101

Called my sis just now…

Sis- Hello

Me- Hey did I leave a pack of cheap fake nails in the beauty supply bag with your stuff?

Sis- Yes, I was going to ask you about those.

Me- Good, at least I didn’t lose them. I remember them since I am catching up on Hannibal.

Sis- Okkkk… Uh, I wonder what you had them for as your nails are growing out. Did you get glue to put them on with?

Me- Oh- I got lash glue.

Sis- Lash glue? You mean fake lashes? That is not the kind of glue you use.

Me- Not like I am going to use any other kind of glue on my face.

Sis- Face? What in the world are you talking about?

Me- Fake nails. Cheap ones. You cut them to use as teeth on horror makeup, the looks like the jaw skin is torn or burned off. Nails are the teeth.

Sis- *can see her rolling her eyes* You are all kinds of special, ain’t ya? I got them when you want them.

Me- *giggles*

Sis- Love you sis, strange that you are.

Getting in the mood to do some special effect/ beauty makeup looks again. :D



02:33 May 11 2013

Yay! I can't wait to see whats going on in that head of yours.

21:49 May 11 2013

I would love to be a fly on the wall watching your sis during these conversations!


02:26 May 10 2013
Times Read: 1,131

I want to build a rocket stove. :) Now... where to find brick that they build fireplaces out of. Hmmm...



03:15 May 10 2013

now that would be cool!

04:09 May 10 2013

Um.....what is a ROCKET stove? You going to the moon Rat?

04:12 May 10 2013


Rocket Stove... being build by the hands of Rattie alone...

16:42 May 10 2013

*Sings with Moonie..*

Ohhh.. rocket stove! Let's invite everyone over for dinner.


It is a cooking stove used outside that uses very little wood. Youtube it Birdy. :)


22:41 May 09 2013
Times Read: 1,151

The whole ungrateful, even hostile attitude you are showing is not going to last long around me. I am not in the 5th grade, I will not deal with an adult who acts like a child.

And I sure the hell ain’t going to be paying you for it.

While you are needed at work, you also aren’t the only one who can do your job.

Keep that in mind.

Saying that here as I know you read this blog.

Next time you show your ass in front of me- I will show you a side of me you haven't seen yet.



19:36 May 10 2013

Lord almighty- who got up in your cornflakes?


17:21 May 05 2013
Times Read: 1,189

First thing to do to set your Sunday off - knock over a 3/4 full gallon of milk off the kitchen counter, spilling it on the floor, tables, chair, walls, under the stove and ref.

Yeah- that set the whole fucking day off on a good note.



18:15 May 05 2013

This is why I don't drink milk....

...it's simply unruly.

18:41 May 05 2013

Ack....but the kitchen should look younger now what with the milk bath and all. :) Flies....

19:02 May 05 2013

Come on, that floor needed cleaning :-p

00:57 May 06 2013

I hate it when I start off days like this...

19:05 May 09 2013

Looks like your trip to Walmart followed you home...lol


Not about anyone on the site or online... life! Try it!

16:47 May 02 2013
Times Read: 1,225

1- you are strange

2- I worry about ya

3- I don't have to be around ya

4- My life is good for that reason and that reason alone right now.




18:39 May 02 2013

20:01 May 02 2013

You fib. Don't act like THIS ISN'T ABOUT SOMEONE HERE! :P


18:54 May 01 2013
Times Read: 1,245

What can I say- I'm rude.

Got a call and the person is all "How, how are ya? What are you doing? You keep everyone stright?" after the second question I flat out asked who it was.

Yeap- rude, but how far can I go before I want to know who I am talking to? About three questions in it seems.

"Why lord... can't believe you don't remember who I am."

Roofer- got it. But no, I don't know your voice by heart.

But don't feel bad as I only know a hand full of folks by ear, and those I have known for many many years. :P

Yes I know I could of played along with the crap, and when he asked if I was ready to put the new roof on the one rental house *which is why he is calling* I would of gotten who it was but... really....

Did you miss the part where I admit to being a rude person? Go back up to the first line..




21:38 May 01 2013

That reminds me of a joke, I won't share it here but it was funny as reading this as it reminded me ;-)


14:26 May 01 2013
Times Read: 1,260

I miss you

I miss the fun we use to have

The ‘spur of the moment’ kind of fun

I miss the crazy things we would think up

I miss hiding the smiles, the giggles

The inappropriate that made us…us.

I wish you would come back

I wish we could become buddies again

Seems life will never be the same

I wish the joy would return

I wish the ‘spark’ would relight

Seems dead in here

I know it is up to me

I know I am the one to bring it back

But it seems so hard to do… on your own

I know it would be worth it

I know life would be better

But it seems so hard to do …

On my own.



14:53 May 01 2013

I have known this feeling. Good read.

20:21 May 01 2013

Know exactly how that is...

16:56 May 02 2013

Thank you. Of course I wrote it to me, about me.

21:09 May 03 2013

I love this!

An I could help reignite that spark. It would require me to wear corduroy and walk really, really fast while you walked extremely close to me. Then the spark from the friction from my thighs when then ignite your spark. >:)

Better bring a fire extinguisher. I don't feel like being tackled by Smokey the Bear bitchin about how I started a Forrest fire. In either the woods or uhhh.. other places. -shifty eyes-

23:03 May 03 2013

LOL I don't know if I feel that brave, and that I have to walk fast to keep up with you. ;)

Gods but I love how your mind works. :D

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